01 February 2008

A summary of the first week...

Well, I've made it through in-processing!
First four days...so far, easy as pie!
Day one:
Age and I arrive at 8:30ish, which is indeed the earliest you could arrive.
And we end up sitting around waiting for them to finish setting up for 300+ people to arrive!
So then we get nametags, which eventually led down the road to OH SO FUN namegames.
Then we filled out TONS of pointless paperwork...that did in fact repeat itself at least 1,000 times
If I didn't know how to sign my name before...I'm definately on the ball with it now.
Then we recieved our housing assignments...only to find out that Age and I are not rooming together. BUMMER!
A house was something everyone here hoped for.
See there are two housing spots on campus, "The Village" and "9H", which is essentially dorms!
You saw everyone praying for a house...I was one of the lucky ones!
"The Village" like it is called, is pretty much like the movie!:p
HA! no not really...but I have no car, so it's like I'm isolated from the world.
At least until March, when I can get out on a project...
Up until then, it's all fun and games with classes and training and early morning PT!
But then, we were sized for our uniforms and boots!
MAN, If you EVER thought that I have looked horrendous before, wait until you see me in my uniform...DROP DEAD SEXY! let me tell you!
Hot khaki's with grey shirts! OU! OU!
Well, the rest of the week, became pretty much a waste of time!
A lot of name games, a wasteful scavenger hunt that was essentially a "tour of the area."
And...sitting and waiting! Around here it's called, "Hurry and wait."
They stress being on time for everything...but then you have PLENTY of time standing around.
But wait, can't forget about the physicals!
Good times there....They feel you up, make you pee in a cup, check your eyes and ears and pretty much just waste your time! Give you some shots...that made me feel as if I were going to die...went to bed at 8:30 feeling sick as a dog...and didn't wake up until 6:30 the next day!
Oh the joys of new adventures!
However, there are definately positives here...
For instance, the weather....NOT -40! Thank goodness...
And the people here are PRETTY AMAZING!!!!
I've met some AWESOME people & a guy who chooses not to wear deodorant, I think he's the most interesting so far..:p He doesn't smell bad, haha!
I'm actually convinced that not wearing deodorant might not be a bad idea...
Curioius? just ask...i'll explain!
So I share a house with 6 other girls...and I am indeed the youngest!
I'm a little worried they have a preconcieved notion of me "being the youngest."
The house is GLAMOUROUS...complete with cobwebs, dust, dirt, and soapscum!
Falling apart cupboards, broken EVERYTHING, dingy basements, the most ghetto shower EVER, and the front door doesn't open!
But all I can say is that I'm thankful for a house...
From my opinion...I'm sure it will only get worse from here!
This is the best we'll have it for months.
We might end up camping out for all our projects or sleeping in a darn barn! lol
I hope for the best...but hey, I'm prepared for the worst...and can not wait to start this eyeopening adventure!!!
Things should start getting interesting SOON...bear with me until then!

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