28 February 2008

Induction Ceremony

We were filed into rows according to team. It just felt like another meaningless ceremony, an annoucement that we were officially beginning the journey of NCCC, nothing special in my mind. I felt like the last month had been a big enough announcement, at least to myself. I had put all my time into training, how could that not have been the beginning, the commitment for the rest of the year. But as the speakers got up to speak, I found myself getting very emotional. I felt like crying several times, and quite honestly got teary eyed. They spoke about how much the people we are serving appreciate our work and gave us examples of ways they had showed their appreciation. As well as the hardwork they had put into serving with the NCCC, all the things they had gained from their service and how important our commitment is to the people of America. I realized that for the first time I am a part of something bigger. I have taken action instead of being apathetic like I have so many times before. I have seen something that needs changing and I am taking a step for change! I know this means a lot of responsibility and a lot of lost luxaries, but none of that really phases me. How can it? Knowing how many people I am going to help, and the appreciation they'll have. It also brought tears to my eyes thinking about how many people just sit back and watch. Watch their fellow neighbors suffer, and just go on with their life, as if they'd never even seen the issue. Acting like it doesn't affect them, but the truth of the matter is that we are a community. It takes the strength of everyone to change. If one aspect is weak, it brings everyone down to that level. I guess what I'm getting at here is that I am proud. Proud to be a part of the MANY in my generation making a difference, despite what people may think. WE CARE & WE WILL GET THINGS DONE!

1 comment:

the wordman said...

I am so proud of You, Cass! You cause tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat with your words and descriptions of emotions and events. I''l be praying that God will help you through this experience and teach you patience and understanding as you've never known! Keep us updated and know that your words will inspire and nudge others into action as they read and share with You periodically! I LOVE YOU, Stay Focused