30 April 2008

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

So much news to share...
Today I am on transition in Jackson, MS.
Staying in a hotel..with, YES!, a hot shower...
Such a relief.
We arrived here on Sunday night and will be departing on Friday morning.
It's comparable to living like Kings & Queens at this one star hotel after living in volunteer housing for 2 months.
And the food from the hotel restaurant is GLORIOUS!
That's the beauty of living in unfortunate conditions...
1. it makes you stronger &
2. it gives you a new appreciation for the little things that you'd usually take for granted.
So here in Jackson, We are doing our Debriefs & Briefs.
Being all professional like.
I had my interview for Summer of Service...
Despite some awkwardness, I feel very confident about my interview.
I don't recieve the outcome for a week or more, so that leaves me here praying for the best.

And looking back to the last days with St. Bernard Project...
So much to say, I'm left almost speechless with all the thoughts I have jumbling up my brain.
First of all, I had one goal before leaving.
And that was to see TWO...yes, ONLY two pieces of flooring go down.
BUT I managed to complete THE ENTIRE FLOOR!
That is 9 rooms total, that I led volunteers to progress from drywall to flooring!!!!!!!!!!
I can't explain how accomplished I feel....4 weeks, and so much to show for it!
But the reason this was so important for me was because I made such a strong bond with my homeowners and their kids.
I can honestly say they are a part of MY family.
They are such incredible people and have taught me that despite the hurdles and the flaws of a family, those flaws are the only thing keeping a family bond strong.
I'm bonded to them through flaws and they've helped me to realize that no matter how imperfect my family is, I have unconditional love for them and there isn't any hurdle we can't jump or pull us apart.
And so to see this floor go in for this wonderful family, was an incredibly heartwarming experience for me.
The floor is what takes the house from looking like a construction site and turns it into a home.
It really gives it the warmth to the house.
The shell of the home is done, and I can proudly say that I helped make that possible.
I have now helped two famlies get one step closer to moving into their home and recreating that lost daily lifestyle.
The experience isn't really something I can say in words or ever really be able to explain, but was life changing, something I will never forget.
Leaving was one of the hardest things I've had to do...
After making that connection with The Briere's,
And having to leave the home, unfinished.
There was definately not a shortage of tears.
I wish terribly that I could have seen them move in.
My only hope is that I will be able to return someday and see them in their home.
But I will definately stay in contact, they've made a huge impression in my heart.

I do realize that life goes on...
I've already mentioned a little bit about my next project.
I'll be working with children to teach them about horticulture...SO EXCITING!
But what I just recently found out is that I'll be living at Camp Sun 'n' Fun...
My entire team is looking forward to this.
But I am especially excited, seeing as I want to start my own camp someday.
I'm really looking forward to see how to run a camp and all the in's and out's.
Camp Sun 'n Fun is a camp for children and adults with developmental disabilities, and it's going to be an awfully interesting experience.
I'm anticipating learning so many more new things.
Especially about gardening and being Green!

However, I may be leaving in June for Summer of Service.
But I'm excited cause that will let me get Round 2 experience, along with Summer of Service, and then rejoin my team halfway through Round 3.
All the more experience! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

And I can't leave out all the Independent Service Projects, that Raven 5 did.
I went to a Community Meeting in Chalmette, which talked about the environment.
I've never been to any kind of community meeting before, and it really gave me the desire to attend them whereever it is that I live. I feel they are very important.

I also worked at a huge event in the Superdome, called V-day.
It's an event to raise money to start shelters for abused women.
Quite the organization, and they perform The Vagina Monologues, which is defiantely interesting.
I also met a few celebrities there. One more first to mark off!

That same weekend, we did a Kaboom build, we did 24 hours of ISPs that weekend which means that for about 3 or 4 weeks I hadn't had the chance to sleep in.
Watch out, when I come home I'm going to be an early riser and a morning person.
So anyways, the Kaboom build was amazing.

What we did was help rebuild a park. Torres Park was actually rebuilt after the storm but two kids decided to burn it down. So they had to rebuild it all over again.
But it was amazing being a part of it.
I helped to rebuild one of those chain bridges.
Not sure if that means anything. But I used chain cutters.
Man, I didn't know you needed muscle to use them....but have no fear, my muscles saved the day!

We also helped out at the Animal Rescue of New Orleans.
We got to walk dogs and clean out cages.
I walked a dog named Picassa, she was adorable.
It made me want to quite the Corps just so I could go home and get a dog.
And also really miss my cat, Gus!

There was also a day that we worked at the Audubon Zoo at a fundraiser.
We manned the carnival games for the kids.
I was running a Par one golfing game.
And I thought the kids would never stop coming.
And Low & Behold, here comes the girl with the powerswing,
And me, with my head too close,
I got WHACKED! in the head....yes, an egg appeared and everything!

But all in all, I enjoy volunteering and helping out these communities.
I've definately found my nitch in life.
I feel strongly that service will be a HUGE part of my life...FOREVER!

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